Discover Cambodia tour packages allow you to choose and tailor made a vacation you wish for. 

Just 40 years after the reign of the Khmer Rouge, Cambodia has emerged as one of Asia’s most intoxicating destinations. 

Whilst you delve into its poignant history, the unparalleled temples of Angkor, undeveloped beaches, and relaxed cities, it will be the charms of the wonderful Khmer people that will make your holiday truly memorable. 

 Cambodia’s climate is fairly similar throughout, with April being the hottest month and the monsoon hitting from June to October, though the showers tend to be just short and sharp rather than a prolonged deluge. 

The dry season, November to May, is split into hot (March to May) and cool (November to February), the most comfortable but most popular time to visit .

There is plenty of accommodation available across  Cambodia, ranging from luxury and boutique character hotels in the most touristy destinations, such as Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville, to modest hotels and guesthouses in the remoter areas. 

With new hotels and resorts opening all the time there are plenty of options to suit any budget. 

Choose from one of the below packages travel and let us bring you the  Cambodia you never knew.

Recommended Tours

Siem Reap - Angkor Explorer 2 Days


Siem Reap Cycling Angkor Park 1 Day


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