Soi Sim Beach: a white sandy crescent-shaped stretch that hugs the outline of the petite Soi Sim island.

Shady umbrellas abound. Relax, kick back on the beat, lying on huge beach towels.

  1. Location
  2. A colorful beach

1. Location

Soi Sim Beach is a small island, which located 12km west of Ha Long City. With the area of 8.7 hectare, the beach and the island has very special geological formation in which 2/3 covered by Feralit and soil weathered by wind.

It also includes a primitive forest with varieties of flora and fauna, and plants endemic to Halong Bay Ecology.

Soi Sim beach and island have been existed about hundred of million years ago and surrounded by the sea then there are endemic plants, according to researchers.

The name of Soi Sim derived from the ancient story that there were a lot of Tomentose rose myrtle alive at the island then the local people called it Soi Sim.

2. A colorful beach

Soi Sim beach has only been open to the public for about 10 years making it a relatively new tourist attraction.

People come to the island to behold the wonderfully diverse flora and fauna and enjoy some peace and quiet.

Soi Sim is a very colorful and quite rugged island which is left relatively undisturbed resulting in beautiful clear green emerald sea water.

It’s so clear that you can watch the fish swim beneath you.

There are two hills on the island from which you can enjoy the view. As the hills are about 300 feet high (100 meters), it’s quite an easy climb.

Once you make it to the top, you’ll witness a panorama you’ll never forget.

Relax, unwind and enjoy everything this tranquil beach and island have to offer.

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