Hi. I'm Jay from New York City.

Ancient Orient Journeys provided me with a trip of a lifetime. Three countries (Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos), six locations, six hotels, four domestic flights, six separate guides and six drivers, all executed without a hitch. It was one of the most satisfying mind-expansive vacations I have ever had. From Angkor Wat to the Killing Fields of Phnom Penh, the Tomb and Temple visits in Hue, the street food of Hanoi to the Mekong Delta, Buddhist caves and Buddhist alms giving in Luang Prabang, Laos, were just some of the daily highlights. But what was amazing was the organization. There was always someone at the airport, hotel and all the many sites to guide me. I felt well taken care of and safe which allowed me to focus on the fascinating culture of Southeast Asia. I cannot recommend AOJ highly enough.

What were the most enjoyable or memorable parts of your trip? 

The temples of Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, S-21 and the Killing Fields, War Remnants Museum and Cu Chi Tunnels, and morning exercise in parks in Ho Chi Minh City Hue Temples, Khe Sanh, , Hanoi (chaos and French influence), Luang Prabang (serenity, beauty, daily 6am alms giving of residents to the Buddhist monks). Really liked all my guides. All very different personalities but learned a great deal from all of them.

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